Sunday, August 16, 2015

Nails Inc Victoria

Price: $14 at Sephora

Normally, I would never spend more than $8 on a nail polish.  Actually, normally I'd spend less than $5.  So why am I reviewing a $14 nail polish?  It must be a bad review, right?  Wrong. This product is my most favorite beauty product of all time.  This is the only nail polish color that I've had to repurchase because I used up all of my original product.  What's so great about it?  Read on!

So, this is a product from Nails Inc and it's in their Nail Kale line.  The kale in the nail polish helps to hydrate and nourish the nails.  When I first got this product, it was not in the Nail Kale line.  I got it in a Glossybox probably two years ago.  The product was in a circular container then (now it's like a rectangle) and I didn't think I'd like it.  But I was soooo wrong.

It's like any other nail polish really.  I don't know how well it nourishes or hydrates my nails, but I do know that it doesn't chip very easily.  I also know that I love the color.  With one coat, it looks like a deep red wine color, or a deep cherry red as it's described.  The picture below is from one coat.

I never stick with one coat though.  I like two.  After two coats, it looks almost black with a hint of red.  I like to describe it as my "blood red" nail polish because it looks like...well..a pool of blood.  That's a little morbid, but I don't care.  I love it.  The picture below is from two coats.

It's great for fall and Christmas time.  I actually wear it year round.  I think it's just that unique shade that works with every outfit in every season.  I just love it.  It says it's limited edition, so I gotta wrap up this post so I can go stock up.  I will never run out of this product, or else I'll have to find a new shade because I've been rocking this for well over two years straight.  Love it.

Great color
Cute packaging
Rarely Chips
Great for all seasons
Kale (may) be hydrating and nourishing

I don't own 25 of these yet.  That is legit a problem.

If you can't tell my final judgment, you obviously didn't read.  I love it. I love it more than I love pizza.  This is my absolute favorite beauty product of all time.

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