Price: $7.99 at Ulta.
I've tried so many blushes trying to find one that looks natural and blends well. I heard some great things about the Dream Bouncy Blush by Maybelline, so I thought I'd try it out. I bought this product years ago while I was in college. I still remember the day I bought this because I also bought the mousse version to see if the different textures would be better than powder blush. Is it worth spending the money on?
This happens to be a product that I threw away. I usually keep products until they're empty, even if I hate them. However, a few weeks ago, I went through my makeup collection and decided to clean it out and get rid of products I will never use again. This happened to find its way to the trash can, but why?
It took me a while to find a way to put this on my cheeks and have it show up. I tried putting it on my finger and then rubbing it onto my cheeks, but that didn't work. I tried using a sponge, but to no avail. I did, however, find that it showed up when you take the product and bounce it off of your cheeks with no applicator. I don't know if it just isn't pigmented enough to transfer to a sponge/finger and still have enough pigmentation to then land on the cheeks or if this is just the technique they expect you to use, but that part ended up working.
After I finally found a technique to putting on this strange-textured blush, I thought the worst part was behind me. What I've learned in life is that I'm usually wrong, especially when I'm optimistic. This was no exception. So, I got it on my cheeks and I started to attempt to blend. Do you like to use a brush? Well, you won't like this product. I am a big brush fan, but brushes just did not work for this product. Sponges weren't great either. Even the critically hailed beauty blender didn't work at blending this product. Finally, I figured out that the finger was the way to go. It wasn't great, but it was the only way to make this product have a semi soft look. It also wasn't easy, I felt like I was just smashing it into my pores.
So, after basically slapping my face to get the blush in and look semi-natural, I thought again that the worst just had to be behind me. Nope, wrong again. Well...sort of wrong. I mean if you like your face to look like makeup is just caked on, then you might light this product. It was flaky later on in the day and just never looked natural no matter what I did. It especially looked terrible after adding a translucent setting powder. I basically looked like I added a thin layer of blush colored clay onto my cheeks.
I put it in the back of my makeup drawer, saving it for days when I would think "No, this product has to be great. I'm just doing it wrong. It has to be my fault." Sometimes, it's just not your fault. When I was cleaning out my makeup drawer, I pulled this out and opened it up. It looked more tan than normal, so I dug my nail into it and sure enough, the top had gotten so dirty and gross. That was the last straw. I was not going to cut off portions of the product just because it gets dirty all the time. No. That's a waste of a product. If I was going to waste the product but cutting off a layer, I may as well throw it away. Just wasted $7.99 and that won't happen again, not on this product.
Some people love this product. Some people swear by it. I am most definitely not one of those people.
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