Sunday, October 25, 2015

Simple Solution Platinum--Pet Stain Eliminator

Price: $4.83* at Chewy.
*Note: This is the price as of the time this was posted.  It's on sale, it may go back to list price of $12.99

If you own a furry pet, or even in some cases a not-so-furry pet, you are eventually going to deal with stains on the carpet.  Whether that be stains from number 1 or 2, or stains from vomiting/hairballs. Cats throw up a lot, and dogs honestly throw up just as much.  Whether you're house/litter training your new family member or they're revenging vomiting at you for feeding them 5 minutes later than they're used to, we all struggle with stains.  How does this affordable option pan out?

I think it does really well.  I bought this when I was litter training my youngest, Pip.  She would go to the same place to...make a deposit.  I cleaned it over and over with a product that I think was called Nature's Element or something like that.  It claimed it would completely remove the smell.  Wrong.  Eventually, I got so frustrated, I went to the internet and found this product.  It claims to completely eliminate the odor so much so that even your pet can't smell it.

Obviously, I didn't entirely believe that, but I was frustrated so I bought it anyway.  Almost immediately there was success.  Pip still had an accident here or there for maybe another month, but otherwise she was exclusively using one of the 5 litter boxes I had set up.  (See?  I had two cats, 5 litter boxes.  Each box was of varying size and had a different litter in it.  I was trying everything to get her trained).  After the litter training, I continued to buy this product.

Chubby, my other cat, tends to revenge vomit at me.  I understand the scientific reasons why they vomit if they're on a schedule-based feeding lifestyle, but I still like to call it revenge vomit.  Anyway, sometimes her vomit would be red (if she ate more of the wet food than Pip) and that would stain my light brown carpet.  This product did really well even with set in stains.  You just spray it on (after cleaning up as much vomit as possible), let it sit, then scrub it off.  Pretty simple.

I did have an issue with it when Chubby threw up completely red (I was trying a new food, don't judge me).  I found the best way to remove that stain was with a mixture of water, dish soap, a white towel, and an iron on the steam setting.  If you want an instruction on that, just let me know.  On the every day stains you'll see with a pet (i.e. accidents or your pet got sick) this product is great.  I even went away for a weekend and came home to find a revenge deposit that seemed to have been thrown out (up) the day I left, so it was set in.  I wiped it up, let this product set on it for probably 10 minutes, then scrubbed it with a damp wash rag.  I can't even tell where she threw up now.

I give this an A+.  I just ran out today (Chubby ate some grass outside, we all know how that goes) and I will be ordering this off Chewy in the next 10 minutes probably.  I know you can also find it at Walmart (or at least on their website) and I got my first can of this from Kroger but it didn't come in a spray can.  It's also very good for deep cleaning litter boxes.

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