Sunday, October 25, 2015

Simple Solution Platinum--Pet Stain Eliminator

Price: $4.83* at Chewy.
*Note: This is the price as of the time this was posted.  It's on sale, it may go back to list price of $12.99

If you own a furry pet, or even in some cases a not-so-furry pet, you are eventually going to deal with stains on the carpet.  Whether that be stains from number 1 or 2, or stains from vomiting/hairballs. Cats throw up a lot, and dogs honestly throw up just as much.  Whether you're house/litter training your new family member or they're revenging vomiting at you for feeding them 5 minutes later than they're used to, we all struggle with stains.  How does this affordable option pan out?

Friday, October 16, 2015

Benefit Roller Lash

Price: $24 at Sephora or Ulta

I know, I know, $24 is a lot of money to spend on mascara.  But just hear me out.  This is unlike any mascara you've ever used. Ever. Trust me. Since using this product, I haven't curled my lashes one time.  After hearing rave reviews of this product from such beauty vloggers as Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter, I decided to treat myself and in turn, give you my own take on this product.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Lush-Lord of Misrule

Price: $6.95 at Lush.

Everybody hold onto your loofas, Lush has released it's Halloween and Christmas collection.  I'm hoping they release more for Christmas (why no melted snowman bath melt?!) but for now we have so many products to get through.  Let's focus today on a fan favorite, Lord of Misrule bath bomb.  As many of you know, I was introduced to Lush this past January so you're going to get a newbie's impression of their holiday collection this year.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Halloween Decorations

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays for decorations.  I love going to craft stores and looking at all of their spooky and fun jack-o-lanterns, vampires, zombies, etc.  From glitter to graveyard, I love decorating this time of year.  I have a few tips for making your home trick-or-treat ready, so keep reading.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cat Tree

Price: Depends on tree, cheapest at Chewy

Cats are meant to climb, but living in an apartment can make it difficult for a cat to perch high up.  A cat tree is a great option to get your cat to that confidence-boosting space, but it can be an issue when it comes to your bank account.  What to do what to do...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fromm's Cat Food

This is my cat, Chubby.  While I love her, she does have an issue with food that can bother me.  She likes to inhale food as if she's been starving for a month and will never see food again.  Because of this, she would always eat her food and then throw it right back up.  I struggled finding a food that would work for her until I came across the brand Fromm's.  What's good about it??

Don't Look At Me

Price: $10.95 at Lush*

*Note: Only sold in stores

Lush fresh face masks are usually good.  I've tried probably four different ones with my favorite so far being either BB Seaweed or Oatifix.  Now that Lush is coming out with many new products, they introduced two new face masks.  I've only tried Don't Look At Me, but how does it stack up?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Lush Toothy Tabs

Price: $4.95 at Lush.

Lush has many great products and a few busts.  Their toothy tabs are basically solid toothpaste in the shape that is most similar to Altoid mints.  If you look up reviews of this product, it's really polarizing.  People either love them or they want to burn them in a pit filled with rage.  To find out the pros and cons of this product, keep reading.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Candied Caramel Pecan Candle

Price: $3.97 at Walmart.*
*Note that this is only available in stores (ie not online) and prices may vary.  Follow the link and add your zip code to find out the cost at your store.

I love candles, I really do.  I also love matching candles to the seasons that they work best in.  I love peppermint candles in the winter and lilac candles in the spring and melon candles in the summer.  In the fall, there's so many different candles to choose from.  I kid you not, I found 6 different types of "pumpkin" candles at Walmart.  Six!  Who knew pumpkins could smell so different!  But if you aren't into the typical pumpkin scent yet still want your home to smell like fall farted all over it, this may be the candle for you.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Nude Lipsticks

It's that time of the year again.  Time to break out the nude lipstick and rock it like the fall will never end!  But finding the right shade is torture (figuratively, I hope).  I've felt the struggle and I've found some products on my own and with some help that are great.  I'm going to focus on my three favorite nude lipsticks that range from expensive, affordable, and downright cheap.  They're all relatively similar colors, but if you'd like to see the swatches, read on!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cheap Cat Toys

All cat owners know the struggle.  You put a lot of thought into what toy your cat will like and you spend time in the cat aisle just to find the perfect toy mouse or rattle ball.  You bring it home and your cat stares at you like you're stupid.  There goes $5 on one toy that they'll never play with.  However, I have found a very cheap toy that you can get at any store that sells craft items.  Read on to find out more.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Maybelline Dream Bouncy Blush

Price: $7.99 at Ulta.

I've tried so many blushes trying to find one that looks natural and blends well.  I heard some great things about the Dream Bouncy Blush by Maybelline, so I thought I'd try it out.  I bought this product years ago while I was in college.  I still remember the day I bought this because I also bought the mousse version to see if the different textures would be better than powder blush.  Is it worth spending the money on?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Lush Haul August 2015

Do blogs even do Lush hauls?  Well, this one sure does.  If you know anything about me, you know that I am obsessed with Lush.  I spend probably three full hours a week watching Lush hauls on youtube and shopping online before realizing that it wouldn't be financially smart to spend $150 each week on beauty/bath products.  I only had a few leftover products on my Lush plates so I knew I needed to replenish my Lush supplies.  Read on to find out my first impressions on my haul.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Nails Inc Victoria

Price: $14 at Sephora

Normally, I would never spend more than $8 on a nail polish.  Actually, normally I'd spend less than $5.  So why am I reviewing a $14 nail polish?  It must be a bad review, right?  Wrong. This product is my most favorite beauty product of all time.  This is the only nail polish color that I've had to repurchase because I used up all of my original product.  What's so great about it?  Read on!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Elf Studio Bronzer

Price: $3 on elf

For those of you who haven't heard of elf cosmetics, let's take a minute to explain why I love browsing their website.  Elf stands for eyes lips face and it's a cosmetic and skin care line that is ridiculously affordable.  I mean, my absolute favorite eye shadow is a product from elf that costs $1. That's insane.  Now do their products reflect their cheap price?  Absolutely not.  I have favorites from elf that I haven't been able to find in higher end shops.  But how does this bronzer shape up?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Angels on Bare Skin

Price: $13.95 for 3.5 ounces 
          $33.95 for 8.4 ounces
                     at Lush

Lush is known for making cruelty-free, natural products, but do they actually do any good?  Angels on Bare Skin is a face and body cleanser sold by Lush that promises to even out skin tone and leave a healthy glow.  I have tried multiple facial cleansers from Lush (in sample sizes) and this is the only one I've actually paid for...twice.  Find out the good and the bad below.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Not Your Mothers Sea Salt Spray

Price: $5.99 at Walgreens

After having heard so many good things about the Not Your Mother's brand, I had to pick this up.  The full name is Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray and it is infused with dead sea salt and sea kelp.  So, is it worth it?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Beyond the Zone Rock On Dry Shampoo for Medium-Dark Hair

Price: $7.59 at Sally Beauty

I typically trust any product I get from Sally Beauty.  I dyed my hair with products from there, I used their hair masks to repair damage, I bought my shampoo from Sally's.  Sally's is like my Sephora for my hair.  This product changed my opinion almost entirely.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Temptations Snacks Mouse Update

I have voiced my concern about the Temptations treats in the past. I think my cat voiced her own concerns with silent but deadly farts. Nothing had changed except I had added these treats.  So, after a quick trip to petsmart, my cat now had Greenies hairball formula cat treats. They fit in the mouse toy perfectly and my cat loves them.  We've been on Greenies at my house for about a week and the terrible cat farts have stopped. Definitely use Greenies if you buy the snacky mouse treat puzzle.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fluffy Egg Bath Bomb

Price: $5.95 at Lush

I love Lush.  There wasn't a Lush near me in my hometown, but I moved away in December and to my delight, I found a Lush within 10 miles of my apartment.  So, expect many Lush reviews.  Let's get started!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


So here I am, new fancy blog.  But why are you here?  Hopefully you're here to find out some awesomely witty opinions on different products or services, because that's what I'm going to provide for you.

I like to try new things and I, like any good human being, like to express my opinions until everyone is sick of hearing from me.  So in this blog, you will find reviews of makeup products, home decor ideas, services (like tattoo removal), diy projects, etc.

Now, I can't do this all by my lonesome.  So here's where I need your help:
Do you have a product that you might maybe want to buy, but you want a review of it first?  Do you want an idea to help organize your life?  Do you want someone else to decide if something is worth your time?  Well let me know!  Throw ideas in my face.  Specifically, I'd like to limit this to product reviews and/or organization tips.  However, if you have an idea that is just so ridiculously awesome, tell me!

For the next week or so I will be doing product testing until I find something worth talking to you about, the good, bad, and ugly.  So stick around and we might all learn a little something (even if that something is that I make poor life decisions).